Skull and crow temporary tattoo 21cm
Large temporary tattoo representing a skull on which is posed a crow. The whole is in a monochrome ink all in play of shadows and lights.
1 large tattoo skull and crow 21 * 15 cm.
Skull tattoo
The skull design obviously symbolizes the passing of time and the death that awaits us all. It is a popular design although it can be heavy for some. Tattooing a skull means accepting one's fate and destiny.
The sight of a skull can be uncomfortable but many people see this symbol as the ability to enjoy life to the fullest with an awareness of death.
Crow Tattoo
Because of their color and scavenging habits, they can symbolize darkness, death, loneliness, bad luck and foreboding.
But they also represent wisdom, memory and intelligence and associated with the skull they therefore evoke awareness of the value of life and the knowledge of its fragility.