4 Maori designs temporary tattoo board 8cm
Maori tattoos are an ancetral practise of polynesian culture. They show presence, and a deep link to the Maori community. Maoris are a staunchly proud people, who take their culture very seriously. These tribal tattoos are widely seen around New Zealand, and increasingly, the world.
8 * 8 cm
Tribal tattoos
Tribal tattoos have always been a popular design choice but have gained more exposure in the last few years since the various forms of tribal tattoos have been more widely showcased as tattoos become more common place and we are exposed to different tribes across the globe.
Maori tattoos
The Māori originated with settlers from eastern Polynesia, who arrived in New Zealand in several waves of canoe trips. Over several centuries in isolation, the Polynesian settlers developed a unique culture that became known as the "Māori", with their own language, a rich mythology, distinctive crafts and performing arts. They have a form of body art, known as "moko" but more commonly referred to as Maori tattooing. The art form was brought to the Maori from Polynesia and is considered highly sacred. Often the tattoos were a symbol of rank, social status, power and prestige. For Maori, tattooing is a rite of passage, which meant it was highly revered and ritualised. The tattooing would begin usually during adolescence.
Apply a temporary tattoo
Press off clear plastic sheet.
Press tattoo firmly onto clean, dry skin with design facing down.
Wet tattoo thoroughly.
Hold the wet tattoo in place for 30 seconds.
Slowly slide the paper off your skin.
To remove the tattoo, use baby oil.