Sitting meditating buddha temporary tattoo 8cm
The title Buddha designates a person who, by his wisdom, has achieved enlightenment, that is to say reached nirvana. On this tattoo he deserves the other name that is sometimes given to him : "the Blessed". Indeed he seems at the same time peaceful, confident and smiling.
1 religious tattoo of a sitting buddha 8*8 cm.
Buddha tattoo
Wearing this Buddha can be only an aesthetic wish or it can have a real symbolic meaning for those who admire this religion of peace and tolerance and its capacity of self-control.
The lotus flower that surrounds it is a symbol of spiritual awakening, enlightenment, resistance, effort and struggle. It also evokes the ability to be reborn as it grows even in adverse conditions.
Size of the motif: 8 x 8 cm
The sitting posture of Buddha
The Buddha sitting cross-legged, the right hand resting in the left hand, palm in the air and the two thumbs touching, meditating represents the reflection and the search for knowledge and to see him smiling symbolizes the happiness and the hope. This position is one of the most represented.
Applying and removing a temporary tattoo
Tattoo decal to be applied with a wet cloth by a strong pressure on the skin. Remove with body oil.
Symbolic scope of the religious tattoo
The tattoo is a distinction that is earned and each tattoo is unique, telling the life of the wearer. Wearing a Buddha tattoo, whether it is Indian, Thai or Tibetan, necessarily indicates an aspiration towards this philosophy of life, a desire for peace and trust.