Black strolling cat temporary tattoo 7cm
This cat is dignified and serene. It evokes all the elegance and phlegm of the cat with this posture at once proud and perfectly relaxed. Let him walk along your leg for example and ward off the bad luck associated with black cats. Make it your own as a lucky charm!
1 tattoo cat walking 7 * 6 cm.
To pose and remove a tattoo
Tattoo decal to apply with a wet cloth by a strong pressure on the skin. Remove with body oil or a wipe Tattoo Gone without rubbing.
Ephemeral tattoo cat
Dimension of the motive: 6 x 5 cm on the skin.
Exclusive Tattoo www.tattoo-sticker.com
Tattoo cat
The cat is a great source of inspiration for tattoos sitting, standing, angry, peaceful ... especially because it is the favorite pet of the French.
As for the cat tattoo, the possibilities are endless. You can very well opt for a small discrete drawing on the nape of the neck or cover your entire back. One of the most fashionable and popular tattoo designs is the cat paw tattoo which can be tattooed on almost any part of the skin. Another very trendy design is the one made with fine lines that draws only the silhouette of the cat without going into details.
Cat tattoo meaning
It has long symbolized protection, strength and agility.
In ancient Egypt, the cat was sacred and venerated and cat mummies have been discovered and testify to the adoration that the Egyptian people felt for these felines. They can be seen in the Louvre Museum in Paris, the British Museum in London or the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
On the other hand, in Christian Europe, throughout the Middle Ages, it reflects the flames of hell. It is associated with deviousness, femininity and even the devil and witchcraft (powers are attributed to him as that of having 9 lives). Moreover, in France, the black cat is synonymous with bad luck while in England it brings good luck! In Asia also the cat is a lucky charm (with its raised paw).
In short, you will have understood, the cat does not leave indifferent and conveys many sybmbols, to you to find yours.