Chess game temporary tattoo 10cm
Exclusive decal tattoo representing a queen and a king of a chess game. The drawing is in black and white, like a shadow with reflections giving it volume. A beautiful design for the passionate.
1 temporary tattoo chess set 10 * 6 cm.
Why wear a tattoo ?
The tattoo is a distinction that is earned and each tattoo is unique, telling the life of the one who wears it. In general, we wear a tattoo (whether real or fake) to show something, to send a message about ourselves or about a cause that is dear to us. Of course it is also to look good! The advantage of the temporary tattoo is of course that it remains only a few days, no regrets!
How to apply a temporary tattoo ?
Tattoo decal to apply on the skin with a wet cloth. Remove with body oil or a Tattoo Gone wipe.
Tattoo chess 10 * 6 cm
A very beautiful and realistic drawing to wear during your feverish games.
Meaning of a chess pieces tattoo
The history of the chess queen is very special because it has undergone significant changes and evolutions that have made it one of the fundamental pieces of the game. And although it is uncommon on tattoos, it is a great idea to convert them into body art.
In the older versions of the chess game, there were no female figures.
The name that was given to the Queen of the chess game was Mantri in its original version, which came from India. It was given the name Queen because it was the piece closest to the king.
This piece can perfectly represent the presence of a female power figure in society and therefore it can be used as a feminist symbol if desired. It is said that in 1495, when Queen Isabella I discovered chess, she was greatly disturbed by the fact that the Queen had so little movement and power. She is said to have been responsible for the changes in the game and the new rules that gave this piece much more power.
The King and Queen remain the most valuable pieces in the game.