Pierced skull temporary tattoo 8cm
This rather extreme tattoo represents death, murder, revenge... It is a skull whose head has been pierced by a dagger after being firmly attached by a chain. Vintage and realistic tattoo. Very good hold on the skin.
1 temporary tattoo 8 * 8 cm.
Apply your tattoo
Tattoo decal to apply with a wet cloth by a strong pressure on the skin. Remove with body oil or a Tattoo Gone wipe.
Skull tattoo
This is a monochrome skull pierced by a sword and surrounded by chains and bones. For a "softer" skull tattoo go for the black skull tattoo. Monochrome also, it is surrounded by roses which make it more accessible and less violent.
Dimension of the motif: 8 x 8 cm.
All the classic elements are present: the grimacing skull, the big metal chains, the dagger and the bones.
That said, it is a tattoo that can be worn by women as well as men, you just have to assume it or even to contrast it with a very feminine outfit for example! It's up to you to adopt it!
Temporary tattoo skull pierced
The skull is one of the most classic and most represented symbols of tattooing. Both morbid and provocative, it is a classic in the gothic imagery, it represents among bikers a kind of talisman to protect themselves from death.
Tattoo for a party
The temporary tattoo is worn for a few days, the time of an evening, for an event, a theme party or to test a tattoo. It's the opportunity to try some provocative designs like this one or a tattoo around the eye like the "very bad trip" or even an underboob, rather sexy.