Very big hindu buddha temporary tattoo 21cm
A huge and beautiful temporary tattoo to wear on his back. This Hindu Buddha wears the third eye, the one of self-knowledge, a traditional headdress and we also find the lotus flower in the foreground.
1 temporary tattoo Hindu Buddha 21 * 15cm.
Hindu Buddha tattoo
In Hinduism, Buddha is considered the ninth incarnation of the God Vishnu. Vishnu came down to earth to put an end to the arrogant attitude of the Brahmins and to purify Hinduism: the new doctrine he preached as Buddha explained that everyone could escape the cycle of reincarnations by exemplary behavior.
Whether you are a follower of this religion, of the precepts it puts forward or you appreciate the aesthetics of the design, this temporary tattoo will not go unnoticed.
Very large tattoo to wear on the back
Wear this large tattoo on your back as a source of inspiration: it will incite you to meditation, serenity and tolerance.
Dimension of the motif: 21 x 15 cm on the skin.
The third eye
This Buddha carries the point on the forehead. In India, the third eye is the eye of knowledge1. Deities or saints are represented with a dot or a mark on the forehead for this purpose.
The center of a person's forehead is one of the most important pressure points on the human body. Once drawn in a religious gesture with the middle finger of the right hand, the tilak is nowadays more decorative but is still supposed to bring good luck.
Applying and removing a temporary tattoo
Tattoo decal to be applied with a wet cloth by a strong pressure on the skin. Remove with body oil.