Indian skull big temporary tattoo 21cm
A huge and beautiful temporary tattoo representing a skull in American Indian costume. The Indian headdress is a symbolic element of the Native American culture. This heritage comes from the ancient inhabitants of North America, who were known for their tattoos filled with symbolism
1 temporary tattoo Indian skull 21 * 15cm.
Skull tattoo
Skulls and skulls are definitely among the most popular designs used for tattoos on both men and women's bodies.
They refer to the inevitable end of life, to our fear of death and it is a way to exorcise this anguish.
Very large tattoo to wear on the back or on the chest
Placed on your back, it will be of the most beautiful effect.
Halloween tattoo
A temporary tattoo that can be worn at any time but will be very trendy at Halloween time!
Size of the pattern: 21 x 15 cm on the skin.
How to apply and remove your temporary tattoo
Tattoo decal to apply with a wet cloth by a strong pressure on the skin. Remove with our wipes "Tattoo Gone".